Dear IMMERSE members,

To write a paper using IMMERSE data, you are required to get approval by the Data Governance Board (DGB). For this, you are required to submit your abstract via our IMMERSE abstract submission system: DROPS. To get started, click on the link below.

IMMERSE Abstract Submission system

Filling in this survey will automatically send an e-mail to all members of the DGB, who will then read your abstract and discuss it during the next DGB meeting. The DGB will notify you whether your abstract is approved, requires revision, or is rejected.

IMPORTANT: Please also view already approved abstracts to avoid submitting an abstract that is a copy of a work-in-progress

DGB: overview of abstracts


We provide all consortium members the opportunity to be involved as co-author on approved abstracts. Please note that co-authorship comes with responsibilities early on in the writing process. These responsibilities are as follows:

  • Co-authors need to provide feedback on the OSF preregistration. This ensures that they are involved in the writing process early on and that they can give substantial feedback on both the hypotheses and analysis plan.
  • Co-authors need to provide substantial feedback on the final manuscript.
  • Substantial feedback means at a minimum written feedback on the content of the whole manuscript, surpassing grammatical corrections.
  • Feedback needs to be given within one month after receiving the preregistration or final publication.

It is the responsibility of the first author to evaluate whether these responsibilities have been met. If they are unmet, co-authorship cannot be granted.  

An invitation to contribute as a co-author will be sent through e-mail upon abstract approval and when the pre-registration has been drafted. Please respond to the first author within a timeframe of 3 weeks of receiving an invitation to contribute an e-mail.

Kind regards, 


If you have any questions, please contact